Books and Monographs
Stolzenberg, L., D'Alessio, S. D., & Flexon, J. L. (2019). Eyes on the Street: Police Use of Body-Worn Cameras in Miami-Dade County. NCJ Number 253415. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance.
e-Copy Available: eyes_on_the_streetdownloadable_proof.pdf
Flexon, Jamie L. (2018). Juvenile Psychopathy: A Primer. Weston Publishing. ISBN: 193665105X, ISBN-13: 978-1936651054
e-Copy Available: flexon_2018_juvenile_psychopathy_updated_2021.pdf
Flexon, Jamie L., Lisa Stolzenberg, Stewart J. D’Alessio, Christopher Duszka*, & Marco Muscillo.* (2015). Does Terrorism Influence Public Support for the Death Penalty? Research on Public Policy Series. Weston Publishing. ISBN: 978-1936651030 dp_terr__flexon_et_al_2015_e_copy.pdf
D’Alessio, Stewart J., Lisa Stolzenberg, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2015). Are Drug Asset Forfeiture laws corrupting the police? Research on Public Policy Series. Weston Publishing. ISBN: 978-1936651016 dalessio_stolzenberg_flexon_forfeiture_police_book.pdf
Stolzenberg, Lisa, Stewart J. D'Alessio, & Jamie Flexon. (2014). Cutting the Fat: The Effect of New York City's Artificial Trans Fat Ban on Obesity. Research on Public Policy Series. Weston Publishing. ISBN: 978-1936651009 stolzenberg_dalessio_flexon_transfat_book.pdf
Flexon, Jamie L. (2012). Racial Disparities in Capital Sentencing: Prejudice and Discrimination in the Jury Room. El Paso, TX: LFB Scholarly Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1-59332-485-8
Recent Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Entries
Flexon, Jamie L., Stewart J. D’Alessio, & Lisa Stolzenberg. (2024). The effect of cannabis legislation on opioid and benzodiazepine use among aging Americans. AIMS Medical Science, 11(4), 361-377. doi: 10.3934/medsci.2024025
Flexon, Jamie L., Stewart J. D’Alessio, & Lisa Stolzenberg. (2024). When Avoidance Backfires: Interracial Officer-Citizen Dyads and the Consequences for Fleeing Suspects. Race and Justice, 0(0). Online First
Flexon, Jamie L., Lisa Stolzenberg, & Stewart J. D’Alessio. (2024). The impact of cannabis legislation on benzodiazepine use and misuse. AIMS Medical Science, 11(1)1, 1-24. doi: 10.3934/medsci.2024001
Liu, Lin & Jamie L. Flexon. (2023). The minority penalty: disparate policing across noncompliant minorities and whites. Race and Justice. Online First (DOI)
Flexon, Jamie L., Lin Liu, Richard G. Greenleaf, & Nerissa James*. (2023). Income and Calling the Police: Examining A Nuanced Relationship Toward Theoretical Refinement. Victims & Offenders. Online First
Flexon, Jamie L., Stewart J. D’Alessio, Lisa Stolzenberg, Erik Cruz*, & Ryan C. Meldrum. (2022). Youth Access to Stolen Handguns. Crime & Delinquency. Online First
Archer, Robert & Jamie L. Flexon. (2022). Examining the Influence of Unstructured Socializing with Peers through Aker's (1998) Social Structure Social Learning Theory of Crime and Deviance. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 47, 980-1005. Online First (DOI)
Flexon, Jamie L. & Teresa Michelle Encalada*. (2021). Antecedents to secondary-like psychopathy in noninstitutionalized youth. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 32(4), 535-559. Online First (DOI) *Graduate Student.
Meldrum, Ryan C., Peter S. Lehmann, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2021). Wlho Would 'Purge'? Low Self-Control, Psychopathy, and Offending in the Absence of Legal Controls. Crime & Delinquency, 67(10), 1582-1613. Online First (DOI)
Stolzenberg, Lisa, Stewart J. D’Alessio, & Jamie L. Flexon, J. L. (2021). The usual suspects: Prior criminal record and the probability of arrest. Police Quarterly, 24(1), 31-54. Online First (DOI)
Flexon, Jamie L., Lisa Stolzenberg, & Stewart J. D'Alessio. (2019). The effect of cannabis laws on opioid use. International Journal of Drug Policy, 74, 152-159. Online First (DOI)
Flexon, Jamie L., Stewart J. D’Alessio, Lisa Stolzenberg, & Richard G. Greenleaf (2019). Interracial Encounters with the Police: Findings from the NCVS Police-Public Contact Survey. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 17(4), 299-320. Online First (DOI) 10.1080/15377938.2019.1646688
Stolzenberg, Lisa, Stewart J. D'Alessio, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2019). The impact of violent crime on obesity. Social Sciences, 8(12), 329. Open Access: (registering DOI)
Flexon, Jamie L. (2018). Tackling a tough question: Who is the emerging psychopath? Peer Rev Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences, 1 (4), 1-5.
Stolzenberg, Lisa, Stewart J. D'Alessio, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2017). A hunter's moon: The effect of moon illumination on outdoor crime. American Journal of Criminal Justice,42(1), 188-197. Online First (DOI) 10.1007/s12103-016-9351-9
Flexon, Jamie L., Ryan C. Meldrum, Jacob T. N. Young, & Peter S. Lehmann. (2016). Low self-control and the Dark Triad: Disentangling the predictive power of personality traits on young adult substance use, offending and victimization. Journal of Criminal Justice, 46, 159–169. Online First (DOI) doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2016.05.006
Flexon, Jamie L. (2016). Addressing Contradictions with the Social Psychology of Capital Juries and Racial Bias. In Race and the Death Penalty: The Legacy of McCleskey v. Kemp (Chapter 8). R. J. Maratea and David P. Keys (Eds.). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Flexon, Jamie L., Ryan C. Meldrum, & Alex R. Piquero. (2016). Low Self-Control and the Victim-Offender Overlap: A Gendered Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31, 2052-2076. 2015 Online First (DOI) 10.1177/0886260515572471
Flexon, Jamie L., Richard G. Greenleaf, Dustin Dariano*, & Dorian Gibson*. (2016). An examination of police stops and youths’ attitude toward police: Do interracial encounters matter? Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 14, 21-39. 2015 Online First (DOI) 10.1080/15377938.2014.997953 *Graduate Student
Meldrum, Ryan C., George M. Connolly,* Jamie L. Flexon, & Rob T. Guerette. (2016). Parental low self-control, family environments, and
juvenile delinquency. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(14), 1623-1644. *Graduate Student. Online First (DOI) 10.1177/0306624X15584907
Flexon, Jamie L. (2016). Callous-unemotional traits and differently motivated aggression: An examination of variants in a non-institutionalized sample. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 14(4), 367-389. Online First (DOI) 10.1177/1541204015577000
Meldrum, Ryan C., & Jamie L. Flexon. (2015). Is peer delinquency in the eye of the beholder? Assessing alternative operationalizations of perceptual peer delinquency. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42, 938-951. Online First (DOI) 10.1177/0093854815569729
Flexon, Jamie L. (2015). Evaluating variant callous-unemotional traits among non-institutionalized youth: Implications for violence research and policy. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 13, 18-40. 2014 Online First (DOI) 10.1177/1541204013519829
Stewart D’Alessio, Lisa Stolzenberg, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2015). The effect of Hawaii’s ban the box law on repeat offending. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, 336-352. 2014 Online First (DOI) 10.1007/s12103-014-9251-9
Flexon, Jamie L. (2014, April). Containment Theory. The Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology. J.M. Miller, A.R. Gover, W.G. Jennings, C.J. Schreck (Eds.). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Flexon, Jamie L., & Ryan C. Meldrum. (2013). Adolescent psychopathy and juvenile delinquency: Additive and non-additive effects with key criminological variables. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 11, 348-368. Online First (DOI) 10.1177/1541204012470850
Guerette, Rob T., Jamie L. Flexon, & Christopher Marquez*. (2013). The prevention of alcohol impaired driving and associated injuries through bystander intervention: Analysis of data from a national mass media campaign. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74 (2), 205-211. Online (DOI) 10.15288/jsad.2013.74.205 *Graduate Student
Meldrum, Ryan C., Holly Ventura Miller, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2013). Susceptibility to peer influence, self-control, and delinquency. Sociological Inquiry, 83 (1), 106-129. Online First (DOI) 10.1111/j.1475-682x.2012.00434.x.
D'Alessio, Stewart J., Jamie L. Flexon, & Lisa Stolzenberg. (2013). The effect of conjugal visitation on sexual assault in prison. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 1, 13-26. 2012 Online First (DOI) 10.1007/s12103-012-9155-5.
Meldrum, Ryan C., Jacob T. N. Young, Carter Hay, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2012). Does self-control influence maternal attachment? A reciprocal effects analysis from early childhood through middle adolescence. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 28(4), 673-699. Online First (DOI) 10.1007/s10940-012-9173-y.
Flexon, Jamie L., Richard G. Greenleaf, & Arthur J. Lurigio. (2012). The effects of self-control, gang membership, and parental attachment/identification on police contacts among Latino and African American youths. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56(2), 218-238. Online (DOI) 10.1177/0306624X10394116.
Lurigio, Arthur J., Jamie L. Flexon, & Richard G. Greenleaf. (2012). Predicting Fear of Gangs among High School Students in Chicago. Journal of Gang Research,19, 1-12.
Flexon, Jamie L. (2011). Fear, negative views of human nature and the consequences for capital juries. Justice Policy Journal, 8 (9), 1-29.
Flexon, Jamie L., Lisa Stolzenberg, & Stewart J. D’Alessio. (2011). Cheating the hangman: The effect of the Roper v. Simmons’ decision on homicides committed by juveniles. Crime & Delinquency, 57, 928-949. Online (DOI) 10.1177/0011128709333726.
Flexon, Jamie L. (2011). Does racism fuel conviction proneness among non-African Americans?: Assessing the impact of juror bias at the conviction stage of capital trials. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 9, 218-237. Online (DOI) 10.1080/15377938.2011.594358
Greenleaf, Richard G., Arthur J. Lurigio, Jamie L. Flexon, & Teri J. Walker. (2011). Driver race, traffic citations, and municipal court dispositions. Justice Policy Journal, 8 (1), 1-32.
Greenleaf, Richard G., Jamie L. Flexon, Arthur J. Lurigio, & Jessica Snowden. (2010). Predicting injuries of women in intimate partner violence: Individual and composite risk factors. Victims and Offenders, 5(2), 101-119. Online (DOI) 10.1080/15564880903422989
Flexon, Jamie L. (2010). Walter Reckless. Containment Theory. In Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory (pp. 776-781). Francis Cullen and Pamela Wilcox (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Flexon, Jamie L., & Rob T. Guerette. (2009). Differential impact of an offender focused crime prevention media campaign. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 608-616. Online (DOI) 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2009.09.009
Lurigio, Arthur J., Richard G. Greenleaf, & Jamie L. Flexon. (2009). The effects of race on relationships with the police: A survey of African American and Latino Youths in Chicago. Western Criminology Review, 10(1), 29-41.
Flexon, Jamie L., Arthur J. Lurigio, & Richard G. Greenleaf. (2009). Exploring the dimensions of trust in the police among Chicago juveniles. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 180-189. Online (DOI) doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2009.02.006
Lurigio, Authur J., Jamie L. Flexon, & Richard G. Greenleaf. (2008). Antecedents to gang membership: attachments, beliefs and street encounters with the police. Journal of Gang Research, 15 (4), 15-33.
Acker, James R., Thomas Brewer, Eamon Cunningham, Allison Fitzgerald, Jamie Flexon, Julie Lombard, Barbara Ryn, & Bivette Stodghill. (2001). No appeal from the grave: Innocence, capital punishment and the lessons of history. In Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives on Failed Justice. Saundra D. Westervelt and John A. Humphrey (eds.); with a Foreword By Michael L. Radelet. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
Acker, James R., Thomas Brewer, Eamon Cunningham, Allison Fitzgerald, Jamie Flexon, Julie Lombard, Barbara Ryn, & Bivette Stodghill. (1999). "A glimmer of light in the shadow of death" condemned prisoners’ access to spiritual advisors, an assessment of policies and practices. Contemporary Justice Review, 2 (3), 235-260.
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